
Final Photos

We picked up a persistent hitchhiker on the way.  Guess he got tired of flying!

I looked and looked, but there were no eagles by the Powder River...

Until, that is -- one magically appeared but I was looking in the wrong direction!!

heh heh!

I See!

Binoculars were an essential tool we used on the survey.

Check out my binoculars now!

Demonstration of a Living Snow Fence.
This was right on the route.

Didn't even see any rabbits.

Even the Powder River was nearly dry.  There were numerous deer tracks.  The River normally this time of year - in Mid-January -- has about 6 to 10 inches of water.


Flat-topped buttes in the background where a horse grazes.
Rolling sagebrush-covered hills

A curious eagle checks up on us.
Heh heh! yeah its photoshopped.

I Wish!

Cottonwood Trees.

Wetlands with many cattails.

Marvelous!  However the eagles have no shadows beneath them (photoshopped!)

Beginning of the Second Route
Bridge over the Powder River


We said hello to some friendly horses.

Lo and behold, they begat minature horses! heh heh!

Surveying for Eagles

There are usually a pair of eagles in this tree.  However, this year there were none.

Lo and behold!  Thanks to photoshopping techniques, an enormous eagle appears on the scene!

Lo and behold! Another mythical eagle.

A Pair of Golden Eagles

For this year's Mid-Winter Eagle Survey, we only spotted three eagles.  Here is a photo of a large adult golden eagle perched on a telephone pole.

There was very little snow on the ground.  Here is the view of a pyramid-shaped cone on the landscape.

The Bighorn Mountains were clearly visible from the area we surveyed.

On the way home, an enormous bald eagle was landing on the pyramid!
Heh, heh - not really - photoshopped!

We saw only one hawk on the survey routes, surprisingly.

On the way home after we surveyed the routes, as we were approaching town, there was a roadkill deer at the side of the highway and numerous bald and golden eagles were feasting on it.  They flew up into these trees.  You can see there are 4 eagles in this photo.